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Topic Editor
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Topic Editor Break a plain-text document into a series of topics.For those of you who need to seperate a document into a series of topics, this is a simple tool that will quickly get it done. At the start of each section of your document, prefix the section title line with [S]: Like this: " [S] Year 2024 ". Then when the document loads into this editor, any lines that start with [S] will be listed on the left panel. Click any of those section names in the left panel and the text of that section will be displayed in the editor in the right panel for viewing and editing. The section name listing allows the user to step back and forth through the various sections very quickly for ease of editing. The document is saved as a simple plain text document that can be loaded into any editor or word processor. This topic editor is a simple way to view and edit multi-level documents: * A book organized by chapters. * A to-do list with a good description for each item. * A diary with a new page every day. * Notes on co-workers for the annual peer-review report. * The 8 standard sections of a corrective action report for work. The description below is a portion of the app's Help screen. Load/Save Files These are just plain-text documents.![]() This viewer can load a document several ways: * A file name can be clicked in Windows Explorer. (see below) * A file name can be supplied as the target of a shortcut. * If there is no file name is given then it will prompt you to select a file. * After starting the program, click NewFile from the menu and select a new file. For best performance, tell Windows to use Topic.exe when opening any TOP files, then the program will launch when clicking a document from Windows Explorer. This program will load and display any plain text file (TOP or TXT), and will break it into topics as long as it uses the [S] topic symbols. The Topic Viewer has the option of saving the file encripted. Report Window A plain text editor.The report window is a plain text editor that works just like the Notepad editor that comes with every version of Windows. The Topic Editor breaks the document into separate topics, which are listed in the box at left. When a topic at left is clicked, the text of that topic is displayed in the report window at right. The Topic listing allows the user to step back and forth through the various sections very quickly for ease of editing. This editor uses the standard Notepad ctrl-functions, plus several other unique functions. ctrl-Z - Undo most recent change. ctrl-X - Cut out the highlighted text. ctrl-C - Copy the highlighted text. ctrl-V - Paste the cut/copied text into the document. ctrl-A - Select All text in this section. Menu Functions Similar to Notepad plus a few more.File Menu: New, Reload, Save, Encript, Decript. View Menu: Parameters, Search, Help, Statistics. Edit Menu: Edit Box, Word Wrap. Panel Menu: 1 Panel, 2 Horizontal, 2 Vertical. ![]()   Website & Book created by:   Ghost Town Sage   Copyright (c) 2018-2025   About   Ghost Town Sage |