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Chart Digitizer

Convert a JPG chart to a table of numbers.

For those of you who need to extract the X & Y data from a chart in a document, the Chart Digitizer is a simple tool that will quickly get it done.
Just drop a jpg of the chart into the app window, then set the scales and then click each point on the graph.
Coordinates of each point are logged to a notepad in the chart's scale, where they can be copied and pasted to a spreadsheet or editor.
The description below is the app's Help screen.

Set Chart Scale

Set the Zero & Max (X,Y) locations.

Drop a photo into Window 2, either by: Drag from Windows Explorer & Drop into Window 2, or Copy from another program & Paste in Win 2. Use a big size image for maximum quality.

Enter the Zero & Max values for the X & Y scales of the graph in the pink boxes at top of window 1.

Set the Crosshair on the Zero Point of the graph. (usually the bottom left of the graph) Click mouse to lock the crosshair, then fine tune with arrow keys. Then click the Z key to log the Zero Point.

Set the Crosshair on the Max Point of the graph. (usually the top right of the graph) Click mouse to lock the crosshair, then fine tune with arrow keys. Then click the A key to log the Max Point.

Note: Zero & Max can be any convienent location on the chart, they don't have to be the displayed min or max, or even the same scale. Points can go beyond the Zero and Max points.

Digitize Points

Convert chart points into a table of (X,Y) values.

To Digitize the points of the graph:
Set the Crosshair on the point to be digitized, the click mouse to lock the crosshair, then fine tune with arrow keys.
To save that point, click the Space Bar - the X & Y values of the chart scale will be calculated and copied to the memo.

The H button pops up the Help screen.

The A button pops up advanced cursor functions. This can automate the curve following functionality.

This does not save the results. Text can be copied from the notepad to an editor by highlighting the text then press Ctrl-C to copy to clipboard, then Ctrl-V in the editor or spreadsheet to paste.

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