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File Name ReNamer

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FileName ReNamer

Rename a whole folder of file names at once.

This program will let the user change the name of all the files in a folder using a text editor interface.

The most common need for this would be adding a description to each file name for 100 picture from a camera.
The program will list all names in the folder, in a text editor where you simply type in all your corrections, then click Save and the whole folder is updated.

Left Panel

Get the folder listing.

The left panel is mostly for browsing the folders to find the files listing. But it also includes search & replace functions for the editor at right.

DirectoryListBox: Browse the folder listing.
Disk FileListBox: This list at bottom left shows a list of files in the selected folder above.
Refresh: Refreshes the Before-FileName Box at right and After-FileName Edit Window at right.
Before-FileList Box: These are the names that the ReName function will search for on the disk.

Search-string: The Search function will search for this text in the Edit Window.
Replace-string: The Replace function will insert this text in the Edit Window.
SearchDocument: Searches the Edit Window for the text in the Search-string above.
SearchReplace: Searches the Edit Window for the text above AND replaces with the Replace-string.
SearchAll: Repeats the Search & Replace to all of Edit Window.

Right Panel

Edit the list of file names.

The right panel is a plain text editor with the list of file names. This listing can be edited just like any NotePad document. The listing can be edited manually or in bulk using the Search/Replace functions described above.

* Reset: Updates the Edit Window by copying from the Before-FileList Box. To re-read the folder on disk, use the Refresh Button at left.
* Save All: Updates ALL Filenames in the Edit Window. Searches the target folder for each Before-FileName and then renames it with the After-Filename.
* Folder Line: The name of the folder where the displayed file listing resides. This can not be changed.
* Edit Window: Shows the file listing that can be edited. Edit as needed, but don't add or delete or move any lines.
* Status Window: Displays status of each operation. Errors are listed here.

* Errors:
Do not add, remove or swap any files names in this listing. This list must be kept in the same order as the Before-Names list in the left panel.

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