(10-12-07) Dongguan City is the main city in Dongguan County, about 30 miles north of the plant. This is a big modern city with wide streets, a fairly modern downtown and several good parks. This page is a good tour of one of the bigger parks.

(10-13-07) Guangzhou is the huge mega city 60 or 70 miles north of the plant. It's mostly just another big old city but it has some scenic areas and huge Bai San (white mountain) Park and Nengren Temple on the north end.

(10-13-07) We took the tram up but walked down. The two mile path was scenic the whole way and crowded with other hikers. Half way down was the Nengren Temple which was easily worth the 75 cents to get in.

(10-13-07) Also in Guangzhou is this smaller park, the Insurrectional Martyr Cemetary Park.

(10-28-07) About 30 miles up the highway is Dongguan City, the big city in our area. It's a scenic place with a nice parks and a modern downtown area. I don't know the name of this park, below.

China & Thailand 2007       Visiting a handfull of parks in Guangzhou and Dongguan
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