By Zoltan Malocsay
Zoltan's Trail Guide was first published in 1980 and this 1999 edition
is his sixth - combining both of his previous books into a single 360
page refrence. This edition also includes 100 photos and exceptional
digital maps.
This is the most in-depth and accurate guidebook available for the Pike National Forest - used by Search And Rescue, hiking groups and even the Forest Service. The trail reports are full of hiking, biking, horse and fishing info, plus wildlife and historical insight. This new book and the companion CD are available in stores throughout the Pikes Peak region, from, or directly from this web site. $20 - Trail Guide Book $20 - Trail Guide CD $30 - CD and Book |
The Trail Guide is packed with info on these areas. Each area has info on several trails. |
Southern Pike National Forest : Pikes Peak Trail System Ute Pass Area Colorado Springs Area Cheyenne Canyon Area Gold Camp Road Area Emerald Valley Area Almagre Mountain Cripple Creek Area Mueller State Park (All 40 Trails) Florissant Fossil Beds N.M. Woodland Park Area Rampart Reservoir Area Schubarth/Stanley Area Rampart Range Trails U.S. Air Force Academy Monument / Black Forest Area Castlewood Canyon State Park Devils Head Area Beaver Creek Wilderness Aiken Canyon Preserve |
Northern Pike National Forest : Roxborough State Park Strontia Springs Reservoir Area Colorado Trail 1776 Mount Falcon Park Elk Meadow Park Alderfer / Three Sisters Park Reynolds Park Meyer Ranch Park Deer Creek Canyon Park Denver Mountain Parks Buffalo Creek Bicycle Area Deckers / Cheesman Tarryall Area Lost Creek Wilderness Wellington Lake Area Bailey Area Deer Creek Area Gualella Pass Area Kenosha Pass Area Buffalo Peaks Wilderness |